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Friday, May 8, 2009

What is Breast Cancer?

Uncontrolled growth of cell of any tissue is known as tumor. Tumor are of two types.
Benign and malignant. Benign tumors are does not pose any risk but malignant tumor can be cancerous.some times the cell of malignant tumor invade other tissue also.
The malignant tumor, which forms due to uncontrolled growth of breast tissue, is known as breast cancer. It generally occurs in cells of lobules of breast including which are the milk-producing glands, or the ducts, the passages that drain milk from the lobules to the nipple. Sometime it also develops in stromal tissue of breast but the chance is less. Image source
Image Details
A ducts
B lobules
C dilated section of duct to hold milk
D nipple
E fat
F pectoralis major muscle
G chest wall/rib cage
If it remains untreated for a long period then there is a possibility of invading of cancerous cell to nearby lymph nodes. Through these lymph nodes, the cancerous cell spread other parts of the body.

Only 5-10% cases of breast cancers are found to be inherited fromparents, remaining 90% cases of breast cancer are due to genetic abnormality

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Non Cancer deaths are common among breast cancer survivors

According to a research it was found that women who have survived breast cancer, have greater risk of non cancer death. Judith-Anne Chapman, Ph.D., and colleagues with the National Cancer Institute of Canada Clinical Trials Group investigated for 4 years on 5000 breast cancer survivors. During this trial 256 women died among which 60% death are not related with breast cancer. It was also found that this percentage increased to 72% in case of women who are 70 years and older.It was also revealed that women who are suffering from preexisting heart disease were more likely to die of non-cancer causes and whose breast cancer cell spread through lymph were died of breast cancer.The women who are suffering from pre-existing osteoporosis were at greater risk of dying from cancers other than breast cancer.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Prostate cancer and symptoms

Prostate is a small walnut size gland, which situated below bladder and in front of rectum. It is a male reproductive organ. The main function of prostate gland is forming and storing seminal fluid.
What is prostate cancer?
When cell of prostate gland multiplied uncontrollably, prostate cancer develops.
Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of death of males in the U.S.
It causes difficulty in urination, like frequent urination, increased urination at night, pain full urination, blood in urine, difficulties during sexual intercourse and causes erectile dysfunction.
As prostate gland situated just in front of rectum so when the tumour enlarges it put pressure on the urethra, thus flow of urine diminishes and urination becomes more difficult. Patients may also experience burning with urination or blood in the urine. As the tumor continues to grow, it can completely block the flow of urine, resulting in a painfully obstructed and enlarged urinary bladder.
It develops generally in men after age of fifty. In case of young men, it is rare but with advancing of age, the risk of prostate cancer becomes higher. The average age of diagnosis of prostate cancer is 70.
The exact reason of prostate cancer is still unknown, but it depends on age, race genetics, diet, lifestyle, medication.
Generally prostate cancer cant be detected in early stage because it has no symptom. Usually, the doctor first feels the nodule during a routine digital (done with the finger) rectal examination.